Gestern nacht wurde sehr kurzfristig die 2. Madonna Single über VEVO/ Youtube in US gelauncht – hört Euch hier die neue Single GIRL GONE WILD hier bei uns an.
Warum die Single nun GIRL GONE WILD und nicht GIRLS GONE WILD heisst:
Joe Francis – founder of GGW Brands which produces the Girls Gone Wild and Guys Gone Wild DVD series – seems to have gotten his way with Madonna without ever having to set foot in a courtroom.
Apparently Madonna has changed the title of her new song “Girls Gone Wild” to avoid any legal problems. Just before the Super Bowl, Francis and his lawyer David Houston fired off a cease and desist letter threatening Madonna with legal action if she sang the song during her halftime performance, and also demanding that Madonna make things right on her new album. Well, apparently Madonna and the record label, Interscope, have seen it Joe’s way … because it seems they have agreed to change the song title to “GIRL Gone Wild.”
Read more:
Madonna — Girl Gone Wild (Lyric Video) – MyVideo
Universal Music