And it goes on in our colorful charts of the top 10 favorites for the Eurovision Song Contest in Dusseldorf 2011th # 2 in the UK bookmakers Estonia lies with the pretty girls Getter Jaani and the song Rockefeller Street. Lena see the English. Bookmakers to time ranked # 8
Getter Jaani is 18 years old, sings in English and is (Estonia in 2001 won the ESC) in Estonia, an acclaimed musical artist. Getter Jaani will deliver in their colorful dress a really snappy pop song.
More on Getter Jaani found you here.
Video Getter Jaani with Rockefeller Street
Photographer: Kalle Veesaar
Google translate
1 thought on “ESC 2011 Top 10 Favorites – Getter Jaani with Rockefeller Street”
(21. Oktober 2011 - 14:50)Ich bin ein totaler Getter Jaani fan!
ich komme ja auch aus dem selben land wie sie =)
ich find sie toll & JAAA sie ist super !
getter on suur!