Lena Meyer-Landrut is still in the top 10 UK bookmakers on the 8th place However, currently being added betting lists, after quite a few songs of the weather, the participants have heard right.
Some of the participants who are currently Lena, but also participants who are in the charts at the bookmakers have behind them, perhaps a better chance.
Taken By A Stranger is a rather unusual song, and since the weather has probably not yet accustomed to it.
Compared with many other songs in the Eurovision Song Contest, but the contribution of Lena stands out very much. Once you become the first bars behind, the song to an unwanted earworm. This, however, depends also on the tact of the affected person. There are certainly many people who prefer clapping songs and will have their difficulties with Lena’s review.
We certainly find this song is good and even better, we find it, that Germany is brave and goes with such a song to Dusseldorf.
Video Lena – Taken by a stranger
Photographer: NDR/Sandra Ludewig
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